When will I learn?

The past 18 months have effected us all differently, but I think it’s fair to say that no one has been untouched by the pandemic. Our lives are different and we are eager to welcome in the ‘new normal’……whatever that may be! For the people who have lost their jobs and are desperately seeking new employment, this must be such a worrying time. For the families who have tried to ‘work from home’ whilst ‘home-schooling’ their children, I salute you! My heart really goes out to the families where one of their children has autism. Routine and repetition is so important for these children and the sudden and unexplained changes have been awful for them, their families and most importantly, their siblings. I believe these families have really struggled and my heart goes out to them. Schools and colleges provide such an important learning opportunity for children and young people with SEND as well as a safe sanctuary. Families are reliant on these settings and their lives have been turned upside over the past 18 months. I do want to stress that in no way am I suggesting only families with a child with autism have struggled. I have experienced these families and their struggles so I am speaking from experience but I totally recognise that all of us are different and our situations are unique as are experiences of the pandemic. The struggle has been real.

I have been working throughout the pandemic and due to demand I have worked for 7 days a week for an extended period of time, which was not my intention at all, but it happened. The consequence to this has been huge on my health. I am having to slow down now, because my health is being significantly affected by this past year and to ensure I can keep working (albeit less hours) I have to listen to my body and the fabulous NHS. But I am determined to learn from this experience (finally) and want the second half of 2021 to be my healthiest and happiest!

So, it’s time to practice what I preach…….

Get the sun lotion on and enjoy all the vitamin D!


Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

This year the focus is on NATURE. This fits in nicely with the latest government advice of; Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air. A lot of local groups and schools have really embraced this week, this year. And who can blame them after the year we have all had!

This week I have supported a young person to access the community and drive through Woburn to see the deers as well support a child to get out and about. My wellbeing sessions this week touched on Mental Health Awareness Week as well as inspirational disabled people. Susan Boyle’s first audition from Britain’s Got Talent was definitely the most popular! Susan has a diagnosis of autism.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned my ‘happy place’ here before (no doubt several times). I love being at Dunstable Downs. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea and think I’m an avid walker, because I’m not. Far from it in fact. But I do like a wander over the Downs and I love sitting in their coffee shop, people watching and taking in the sights. I’ve really missed going there since all the lockdowns as I would go there to work. I find it very inspiring and creative being there. I cannot wait to get back to it. The other local venue I’m growing to love more and more is Houghton Hall Park. This park is beautiful (and currently has a great mobile coffee van there too).

I benefit from being outside and taking in the fresh air. It certainly helps my sense of wellness and I love taking the individuals I support to different parks and outside venues. They benefit greatly to. In fact, we all do.

Take care and look after yourselves. Remember self-care is important.

Dunstable Downs on a foggy day, but still beautiful

Dunstable Downs on a foggy day, but still beautiful

My brother’s dog enjoying being outside and making the most of the good weather.  I couldn’t not share this photo as it’s so beautiful

My brother’s dog enjoying being outside and making the most of the good weather. I couldn’t not share this photo as it’s so beautiful

New resources for Girls Group

I’m still facilitating sessions over zoom and in Girls Group we are looking at our image and social media. I thought the best way to do this will be through using dolls…….so here’s introducing Mercy and Zuzanna!

The dolls are great for highlighting body parts and which ones are private and which are public. Plus the dolls can easily be dressed and undressed to show appropriate dress for different situations. They were introduced this week to the girls and went down well so I’m hoping they’re doing to be a good addition to the discussions we have going forwards.

Have a great week and remember it’s never too early to eat chocolate eggs!

Mercy and Zuzanna in their boxes

Mercy and Zuzanna in their boxes

Zuzanna is a Barbie doll with moveable joints

Zuzanna is a Barbie doll with moveable joints



It started so well......

On Tuesday morning I got up and ready really early so that I could film some Makaton signing videos before heading out to work. I actually made an effort with my make-up, tidied up the kitchen and cleared the table. This was a task in itself! Where does all this ‘stuff’ come from?

I then spent ages phaffing around with the tri-pod and getting my camera level so it didn’t look like I was standing on a hill. I practised the signs several times so I felt confident and then I pressed ‘record’…..

And that’s when I heard it…….the washing machine was on! For goodness sake, Kerry! Why oh why did I put the washing machine on and then try and film 30cms from it? The washing machine wouldn’t have finished before I left for work so that was that. The only thing for it was to have another coffee. After all, my mantra is: Coffee First, Then Work.

All ready to start……

All ready to start……



A Daily Focus

As you know, blogging is something I really want to do more of but I struggle with it. I’m always aware that my writing isn’t great (I’m definitely a talker!) and I’m not sure that what I’m writing is of any interest to anyone, but me. Then I thought; if it helps me to focus my thoughts, plan and share my views on a platform, then I should just do it…..

I love Instagram and always try to upload daily on my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. I’m always trying to get into a routine for uploading videos too (mainly signing Makaton) but I’m clearly not very good at this either!

I’ve decided to give my week a focus and have a theme for each day:

Monday - Mindful Monday

Tuesday - Time Out Tuesday

Wednesday - Wellbeing Wednesday

Thursday - Thoughtful Thursday

Friday - Fabulous Friday

Saturday - Sensory Saturday

Sunday - Self-Care Sunday

It’s really giving me a focus to my work and covers all the areas of work that my business focusses on. So far, daffodils, McDonald’s and of course, coffee, have featured this week.

Have a great week and remember that self care is not selfish, it's necessary.


Worry worry worry - it's all around

I needed to create a visual tool to support young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) to express their worries but keep them contained so that their anxiety does not manifest itself into something huge and unmanageable. In fact, I think this is something we all need to work, not just young people with SEND, but anyway…….as usual; I digress.

I decided to make a worry jar late on Tuesday evening. My sessions start first thing on a Wednesday morning. So with some washable purple paint, a teeny-tiny paintbrush and a tub of ‘coffee mate’ retrieved from the recycling bin, I set to work. I think what was created can only be described as a masterpiece and I suspect the demand for such items will be huge……. or not! Luckily the students were very forgiving of my home-made efforts.

The worry jar was filled up with the heart felt concerns from the students. Unsurprisingly the majority of the concerns were covid related. Once student bravely expressed their loneliness and unhappiness, whereas another spoke of the fear of another lockdown if things are rushed. Their thoughts and feelings echoed that of the staff supporting them and, no doubt, a lot of people in the UK. We discussed the worries and what we could do to help the situation with the caveat that sometimes we cannot make the worry go away but sharing it is very important, being the loud and clear message.

One of the reasons I love my job is because of the organic responses to situations that the people I support always have. Some are not worried about covid, their worries are more personal and specific. Alongside the worries around family, friendships and covid, were worries about teeth, Bob the Builder, Boris Johnson and having to leave the ‘man-cave’, to name but a few. These worries are as important and just as valid and were discussed in turn too.

This will be something that I touch on every week between now and Easter as the return to education in a school or college is going to be tricky. The students in school, although missing their friends, have got used to not having to share the staff’s attentions. The students at home have got used to getting up later and learning from their sofa. This will all take time to re-adjust and settle back into a new form of learning for the rest of the academic year.

However, I do believe that together we can make great things happen and through consistency and focus we can improve our wellbeing and that of those around us.

So, take care and stay safe. I believe the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched back on.


Valentines/Galentines sensory box

I’ve pulled together a sensory box with a Valentine/Galentine theme. I’m starting to do this for topics and themes so everything is in one place. It’ll be easier to find and to store……hopefully. I’m tackling my office next week - wish me luck!

Anyway, I digress as usual………

In a huge Tupperware I have gathered objects that are red, pink and some white. i’ve focussed on different textures but with one colour. In the box there are measuring spoons, a toothbrush, scarves, a shower puff, heart lights (I LOVE Poundland lights as they are great for things like this.), sweets and a Piglet. I’m hoping to use this during the week with a child to see how they explore the textures. I will also crush the love hearts into her yogurt and let her play with the marshmallows.

I’ll let you know how we get on.

This was easy and cheap to make so it’s totally accessible to everyone - happy valentines and valentines day xxx

Valentine and Galentines Sensory Box

Valentine and Galentines Sensory Box

Makaton in February

I’ve decided to make February the month we focus on food signs in my weekly Makaton video. Last week there was a focus on fruit and vegetables. This week it is all about the curry.

I’m having problems deciding where to film my makaton videos, so you’ll notice lots of different places until I find the perfect spot!

My videos are posted on my social media pages (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). And this week I learnt how to share my YouTube video onto my Twitter page. Slow steps but I really feel this is the year we all up our IT game. I mean my parents are even doing online banking now, for goodness sake!

The current filming set up for this weeks makaton video.  The box of creme eggs were essential, thank goodness I brought them ;-)

The current filming set up for this weeks makaton video. The box of creme eggs were essential, thank goodness I brought them ;-)

Hello February

I started February supporting C (a young child with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities - PMLD) to explore different textures. She made it very clear which ones she liked to touch and the ones she did not ended up on the floor. The cord one was definitely her favourite and she passed it between both her hands and held on it.

One of the other young people I support who also has PMLD and a degenerative condition, showed me old school video from when she was around 7 years of age. It was great to see her and see what she could do but it was tinged with sadness at what she had lost. However her family loved sharing stories with me and it gave me, as a carer, a better insight into their journey and why her siblings do the things they do. Having a sibling with such complex needs is an emotional roller coaster and I think the siblings struggle the hardest as they are children themselves and trying to learn, develop and understand in a unique set of circumstances.

In other news, the cat only managed to interrupt one zoom session this week. Thank goodness! I absolutely love supporting young people with learning disabilities and I’m so fortunate that the staff and family members supporting the individuals are absolutely amazing. The sessions focus on wellbeing and our feelings but I take a light hearted approach and try to make them relaxed and funny. This is as much for the staff and family members as it is the young people as this is such a trying time. Next week is my last week before half term and I’m going to take a few days off as I need to sort out my work space and give my house a ‘proper’ clean. You know the one where you pull everything out and clean everything rather than just the middle? Well, I need to do one of those.

Other than this, the week has plodded on with the usuals; me trying to get the cat to take his medication, me trying to not drink lots of cups of coffee each day and not chip my nail varnish (instant fail so had to be removed).

I’d like to finish with the wise words from the legend that is Captain Sir Tom Moore:

“For all those who are finding it difficult at the moment; the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away”. RIP

Lady C exploring lots of different textures…..with both hands!

Lady C exploring lots of different textures…..with both hands!

Nail varnish at the ready - but it was only on my nails for 5 minutes!!

Nail varnish at the ready - but it was only on my nails for 5 minutes!!

January finally ended

I know everyone is saying it; but my goodness, January 2021 was the longest month ever!

I thought I’d take this opportunity to reflect on the last month. At the moment it is easy to get swept up in the anxiety and uncertainty of the current situation. These feelings are all valid and genuine, but for me, I need to have a break from these and force myself to focus on the things I have achieved and the successes of the past month.

So, I’ve learnt to develop my skills around zoom, PowerPoint and iMovie. My best friend is my personal IT consultant as she’s brilliant at all things computery but I think I’ve exhausted her as she’s been telling me to ‘look it up on YouTube’ or ‘google it’. I mean, who can blame her, I have 100 questions an hour! As a result I’ve been busy searching for things on YouTube to develop my skills. Sometimes I’m not sure how to do things……but it works out well in the end……and then I struggle to remember what I did. Or I spend ages trying to learn something and then figure out what I need to do is sooooo easy to achieve that I end up laughing at my own ridiculousness!

I’m most proud of my evolving zoom and filming skills. I’ve learnt to share a screen and play a video. And now I even know how to ensure everyone else can hear it too! My success rate on sharing a screen is around 50% but I’m hoping February will see this improve. I’m not sure how long I can expect others to be patient of my limited skills so here’s hoping they get better asap.

I’ve also started sharing some videos on YouTube but this is very early days and now I’m phaffing about ‘good light’ and ‘overcast days’. As the days get lighter for longer I’m hoping to get better at making short videos around Makaton signs and topics of interest……..I’ve got to remember to film in landscape as it looks better on social media. If only I could remember. But I’m enjoying making signing videos and sharing knowledge. I even did one in the car, in the snow and ice. That drew some stares from people walking past I can tell you!

Looking into February…….I’m hopeful that the days being lighter for longer will help everyone start to feel a bit better. Sun light is amazing at helping us feel a little better. And, of course, I have my IT skills to improve……..so watch this space!!

Take care and stay safe

Hello February - you’ve been greatly anticipated for!

Hello February - you’ve been greatly anticipated for!

Harvey and Me

Last night I settled down to watch ‘Harvey and Me’ on BBC1. I expected to enjoy the programme and I thought I could guess what I would see. However, how wrong was I!!

The hour long programme follows Harvey Price as he and his Mum, Katie Price, prepare for adulthood and life after special school. Having been a Transition Manager for a local authority this process is very close to my heart and one I remain passionate about. I am keen for families and their son/daughter to have access to high quality information early on in the process and I am totally dedicated to the voice and aspirations of the young person be heard and responded to. After all, this is their life and they have to live so doing things that are important to them is vital.

Harvey is an amazing young man with complex needs. But what was even more amazing was Katie Price and her other children. They all accepted Harvey for who he is and accepted that at times they had to adapt things or their behaviours to meet his needs. Harvey was being shown residential colleges which could be a post school option for him. It’s fair to say that there are many excellent provisions around the country that see the needs of young people with complex needs. Some people can have their education package created locally whereas as others have to move away. I was very lucky, the local authority I worked in had a Broker who would create bespoke packages of education for young people that could not attend a local college, even with additional support. A lot of families I supported did not want their children to stay away from home due to their religious and/or cultural beliefs so this lead the drive for local packages. However residential colleges definitely have their place in the pool of options available to young people and I have been fortunate enough to visit some amazing ones.

But back to Harvey…..

Anyone who knows me, knows I am as passionate and enthusiastic about supporting children and adults with severe learning disabilities, as I was when I was 18 (and I’m now 41). Watching Harvey and his friend at the train station chat about their favourite train line, repeat the announcements and appear genuinely happy, just feels my heart with warmth. These two young men are so pure and organic in their presentation and conduct. They say and do what they want and are not under the pressure of expected norms (well it seemed this way although I could be wrong). This made their conversations and reactions so pure and engaging.

What was very clear was whoever supports Harvey going forwards will be a lucky team as he’s a great young man with loads of personality and potential. And Katie will never stop worrying, advocating, protecting and ensuring doors don’t bang, for her son.

I wish Harvey, Katie and the children at home all the very best x

The cat and zoom

Well! What can I say……? My cat disgraced himself on Thursday during my zoom session. The session is one fo my favourites; Girls Group. This week we were talking about our periods and sanitary towel placement in our underwear. My kitchen table was covered in knickers, sanitary towels and wrappers. During the session my cat (who is 16 years old and going deaf as well as being a diva) demanded attention. So to silence him I picked him up and held him. This worked for a short time as we was quiet and the students were responding well to the discussions. Suddenly Georgie (my cat) jumped onto the table and then panicked. He had managed to get a sanitary towel stuck to his paw and was meowing. He jumped off the table……with the sanitary towel stuck to him. The students and staff, unfortunately witnessed this scene and were shouting at me “he’s got a sanitary towel stuck to him”!!! Georgie ran around the kitchen until his paw was free and then he quickly left for the safety of the sofa. Meanwhile, I tried (and failed) to remain professional…….

Another day. Another zoom. Another cat bing a diva.

Take care and stay safe everyone!

In the middle of all this landed my cat……..

In the middle of all this landed my cat……..

Back on zoom

Well this week has seen my sessions return to zoom, but not just me sitting in my kitchen and the students and staff at school……….oh no! We are zooming in from my kitchen, school, people’s lounges, hallways and kitchens. I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out how to make everything work and trying to me ‘interesting’. Talking of being interesting I failed in one session as a student fell asleep at home! I found the funny side but I’m hoping to pop my game next week and maybe the student will stay awake for some of the session: fingers crossed!

So I don’t think my sessions were interesting but it was good to know who was zooming in and what their expectations were. Next week I’m introducing signing to music and Kim’s Game as well as getting the students to search for a fruit or vegetable in their house. Well, that’s the plan anyway……..

And of course Girls Group is back!!! I love facilitating Girls Group and we are back to talking about our periods again. That and Tok Tok…….obviously.

I’ve also discovered a great PMLD YouTube channel called Jen-Sory which I’ve been using with one of my young people to engage her at home. Jen is clearly an amazing practitioner who provides short videos with a focus on stimulating individuals with PMLD (Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilities). This week we’ve been on a Winter Walk with Jen which was great and thoroughly loved by the young person I’m supporting.

This weeks disaster was the 3 ingredient brownies I made……..oh they were dry and very thin. Clearly using the wrong tin and leaving them in the oven too long did not help!! Ooooops oh dear. Better luck next time.

I think that’s it for now. I’m clearly effected by my insomnia as my mind has gone completely blank……

See you next week and take care. Remember you can only do your best.

Take care and stay safe x

3 ingredient brownie DISASTER!

3 ingredient brownie DISASTER!

Getting my zoom on!  I’m so happy to be back supporting the students.

Getting my zoom on! I’m so happy to be back supporting the students.

And these arrived too and I want everything!!!

And these arrived too and I want everything!!!