Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

This year the focus is on NATURE. This fits in nicely with the latest government advice of; Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air. A lot of local groups and schools have really embraced this week, this year. And who can blame them after the year we have all had!

This week I have supported a young person to access the community and drive through Woburn to see the deers as well support a child to get out and about. My wellbeing sessions this week touched on Mental Health Awareness Week as well as inspirational disabled people. Susan Boyle’s first audition from Britain’s Got Talent was definitely the most popular! Susan has a diagnosis of autism.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned my ‘happy place’ here before (no doubt several times). I love being at Dunstable Downs. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea and think I’m an avid walker, because I’m not. Far from it in fact. But I do like a wander over the Downs and I love sitting in their coffee shop, people watching and taking in the sights. I’ve really missed going there since all the lockdowns as I would go there to work. I find it very inspiring and creative being there. I cannot wait to get back to it. The other local venue I’m growing to love more and more is Houghton Hall Park. This park is beautiful (and currently has a great mobile coffee van there too).

I benefit from being outside and taking in the fresh air. It certainly helps my sense of wellness and I love taking the individuals I support to different parks and outside venues. They benefit greatly to. In fact, we all do.

Take care and look after yourselves. Remember self-care is important.

Dunstable Downs on a foggy day, but still beautiful

Dunstable Downs on a foggy day, but still beautiful

My brother’s dog enjoying being outside and making the most of the good weather.  I couldn’t not share this photo as it’s so beautiful

My brother’s dog enjoying being outside and making the most of the good weather. I couldn’t not share this photo as it’s so beautiful