Makaton training and bespoke workshops


I can provide the following workshops:

LEVEL 1 WORKSHOP - for parents/carers, professionals and interested persons.

LEVEL 2 WORKSHOP - for parents/carers, professionals and interested persons. Applicants need to have completed Level 1.

LEVEL 3 WORKSHOPS - for parents/carers, professionals and interested persons. Applicants need to have completed Level 1 and 2.

LEVEL 4 WORKSHOP - for parents/carers, professionals and interested persons. Applicants need to have completed Level 1, 2 and 3.

SIGNING FOR BABIES - for parents/carers and their baby.


TASTER SESSION - for anyone interested in using Makaton and as an initial introduction to one of the courses above.

BESPOKE WORKSHOPS - for Makaton users or groups who have a particular interest in learning Makaton.

Please contact me for more information, to check availability and costings.


The Makaton Charity

The Makaton Charity exists to ensure that everyone living with a learning and/or communication disabilities has the tools and resources they need to communicate.  Our vision is a world which all people with learning or communication difficulties can communicate.

Workshop expectations
Makaton is an augmentative communication system and is offered to interested people (users, families, professionals) to develop their knowledge and skills in this approach.  Workshops are inclusive and participants are expected to practice the signs and symbols during the workshop.  It is acknowledged that participants have different experiences and this is an ideal opportunity to share personal knowledge and learn from others.  Workshops are fun, relaxed and respectful.

Due to COVID-19, workshops are now available online/over Zoom.