Valentines/Galentines sensory box

I’ve pulled together a sensory box with a Valentine/Galentine theme. I’m starting to do this for topics and themes so everything is in one place. It’ll be easier to find and to store……hopefully. I’m tackling my office next week - wish me luck!

Anyway, I digress as usual………

In a huge Tupperware I have gathered objects that are red, pink and some white. i’ve focussed on different textures but with one colour. In the box there are measuring spoons, a toothbrush, scarves, a shower puff, heart lights (I LOVE Poundland lights as they are great for things like this.), sweets and a Piglet. I’m hoping to use this during the week with a child to see how they explore the textures. I will also crush the love hearts into her yogurt and let her play with the marshmallows.

I’ll let you know how we get on.

This was easy and cheap to make so it’s totally accessible to everyone - happy valentines and valentines day xxx

Valentine and Galentines Sensory Box

Valentine and Galentines Sensory Box