Not what was planned!

This week turned out to be not what was planned and I’m not even talking about COVID! I had made a plan where on a Monday evening I would bake something for my new 3-ingredient series and on a Tuesday I would film my weekly Makaton video. However, all the best laid plans and all that…..I ended up at the emergency on Monday evening and on the phone Tuesday evening. So my cooking remains in the cupboard but I’m hopeful I’ll be able to do this tomorrow……..

The cat is ok now, but I’ve got to find new and creative ways to get his medication in him. He’s 16 years old and knows all the tricks so this should be interesting.

I’ve spent the week preparing resources for my zoom sessions. However these will now be starting next week due to the country going into Lockdown 3. Next week I’ll be sitting in my kitchen doing my my zoom sessions but it won’t just be with a class in school, it will also be with the young people learning from home too. I’m excited, nervous and terrified in equal measure about this. This time last year I had never heard of zoom, and now I’m using it daily and getting better at screen sharing. What would I do without zoom now? It’s an essential part of my tool-kit.

I’ve been very aware that my previous videos have been quite poor quality so I’ve brought a small ring light to see if I can improve my videos. I have no training in this at all so it’s all guess work and constructive feedback from my best friend and my brother. Apparently having the camera level is a good place to start……if only I knew!! LOL. I’ve been practising filming this week. I never knew how often I touched my face…’s constant. If it’s. not my face, I’m pushing up my glasses or tucking my hair behind my ear. I never knew! It’s so annoying. My brother has suggested I set up a YouTube channel to put my videos onto. This will be a good accessible space to share the videos and hopefully I’ll be able to link them to my website (I need to speak to Josie about this). I’ve got big ideas but no skills to implement them!

So, if tomorrow goes to plan I’ll have a YouTube channel and be eating my 3 ingredient chocolate brownies by bedtime. Watch this space…….

COVID has hit me hard this week; the grandparent of one of the profoundly disabled and medically complex young people I support has died of the virus. My thoughts and love go out to the family at this devastating time.

Take care everyone and stay safe

Hello!  It’s me and here’s to another good week……

Hello! It’s me and here’s to another good week……

Getting ready for zoom with my lip balm and hand cream always close by.

Getting ready for zoom with my lip balm and hand cream always close by.

Busy packing up resources for the new term of zoom sessions.

Busy packing up resources for the new term of zoom sessions.

All packed up and ready to deliver to school.

All packed up and ready to deliver to school.

And now I have a light ring- no idea how to use it but I’m learning…..

And now I have a light ring- no idea how to use it but I’m learning…..


Well, it’s finally arrived and we are now in 2021. The year we never thought would arrive has and I’m optimistic for a good one going forwards. I’ve got lots of ideas for my business and for my personal life and home, so I’m eager to get going.

My current plan is to write something on my blog every week. I’m going to aim for a Friday as I think a weekly round up might be a good idea and interesting to read……then again, maybe not! But I’ll give it a whirl and see how I get on.

Business wise I’m looking at developing my signing and uploading a weekly Makaton video. This will usually be on a Tuesday and will hopefully encourage us all to sign more to develop our communication skills with makaton users. I am also thinking of exploring my thoughts around sensory pencil cases further and seeing where that takes me. I’ll keep you posted.

But for now, on the first day of the year, I’m glad to be at home with my cat and drinking hot chocolate as it’s blinking freezing outside!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL (and remember to be you!).

Take care ands stay safe

Blinking freezing……..brrrrrrrrrr

Blinking freezing……..brrrrrrrrrr

3 ingredient Frittata

As you know, I love meals that have 3 ingredients. On Friday, S and I made frittata for lunch. It was so tasty and so easy to make I thought I’d share it on here in case anyone else wants to try it.

You will need (equipment):

  1. 1x rectangular loaf tin (non-stick)

  2. 2x dessert bowl

  3. 1x fork

  4. 1x grater

  5. 1x sieve

  6. 1x small plate

You will need (food):

  • 6x eggs

  • 1cup frozen veg (e.g. sweetcorn, peas, onions)

  • 60g cheese


Turn the oven to 200.

Put water in the kettle and boil.

Put the frozen vegetables into the dessert bowl.

Cover with boiling water and leave it to stand.

Next, break the eggs into the other dessert bowl.

Whisk the eggs with a fork.

Pour the eggs into the loaf tin.

Drain the vegetables over the sink with the sieve.

Tip the vegetables onto the eggs and mix with the fork.

Grate the cheese onto the plate.

Scatter the grated cheese over the eggs and vegetables.

Put the loaf tin into the oven and leave for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes take the loaf tine out the oven and leave it to cook for around 10 minutes.

Turn off the oven

The frittata will be ready to eat whenever you are. You can tip it out the loaf tin and cut it into slices to serve with salad and new potatoes, or enjoy a slice with a cup of tea (just as S did).

Happy cooking!

As you can see, we used a tin liner as I had one left, but these are not necessary.

As you can see, we used a tin liner as I had one left, but these are not necessary.



Enjoying the last of the summer sun

Last weekend was beautiful and I was working with an amazing little girl who will be 6 soon. How fast time goes! I have been supporting her since she was 2 years old and it’s literally flown by. Anyway…….I’m digressing……

So, what with the beautiful weather, we decided to spend some time in the garden and get our feet out. I’m a fan of washing up bowls. They are so versatile. I use them for water play, sorting, carrying things, painting, and stuff. So I placed a sheet of paper in the bowl and dolloped some paint on it. Then I added C’s feet. I let her explore freely the different textures of the paint, paper and bowl. C was shocked, initially, by the cold paint but then really got into it. She was moving her feet independently and making some amazing images on paper. I kept swapping the paper and then added more paint to the bowl. After a while I removed the paper and added glitter to the bowl. C loved this and was very animated in her exploration of the different textures.

As we were outside there were lots of different sounds too; vehicles, planes, birds, children in the other gardens, and so on. C loved this and was laughing and having a great time.

We then had water play with some beautiful smelling soap whilst I washed the paint off her feet and legs (and leggings - luckily it’s washable paint: phew!). C loved kicking and splashing in the water.

We had such a lovely afternoon and unsurprisingly she had a good nap later on :-)

Happy painting and creating!

Only just started and there’s paint up her legs!

Only just started and there’s paint up her legs!

You can never have enough glitter……..although I kept finding it for days for after

You can never have enough glitter……..although I kept finding it for days for after

The cleaning process begins……

The cleaning process begins……

Drying off and getting ready for a nap

Drying off and getting ready for a nap

Welcome September

September always feels like a fresh start to me; a time to reflect on the past few months and then plan ahead for the next few. This year is no different but how things are undertaken are slightly different, to say the least!

My main focus at the moment is working towards greater work-life balance by January 2021. This is including a focus on updating and relaunching my website, creating different sensory resource packs to sell and some focus on craft for wellbeing (my own and others). As you know, my best friend is my IT guru so she’ll definitely be helping me with this.

I’m also thinking of the new academic year and Girls Group sessions. I’m currently working on a ‘Chatter Bag’. My idea is that it’s a bag which contacts questions and pictures which the young people can discuss, answer and explore together to help support their conversation skills. I tend to find that some girls are great at this whilst others need more structure and guidance to develop their skills in this area. Once I’ve finished it I’ll share it on here and go through each activity.

Finally, did anyone watch Panorama last week on SEND support in schools and COVID? I’m really interested to hear your thoughts………? The confusion and complication to families seemed overwhelming and clearly added to a very stressful home life. The local authority staff seemed over worked and clearly not enough of them as things were taking time and mistakes were being made in written reports. It seemed very unfair to the children with SEND that needed support to access learning and prepare for adulthood.

So, I’ll be back soon with short and sweet blogs as a record of what I’m doing……

Bye for now

My new essential accessory - I prefer the reusable face masks as they are washable and good for the environment.  Win win!

My new essential accessory - I prefer the reusable face masks as they are washable and good for the environment. Win win!

It’s a good month

It’s a good month

Be a Voice of Positivity:  I’m really trying to be.  What you out out into the universe, you get back.

Be a Voice of Positivity: I’m really trying to be. What you out out into the universe, you get back.

Thinking about activities for Girls Group and building self-confidence and self-esteem in young people with SEND.

Thinking about activities for Girls Group and building self-confidence and self-esteem in young people with SEND.

2020 has caused a lot of young people with SEND to become distressed and confused which has lead to them being distressed.  This is helping support one young man.

2020 has caused a lot of young people with SEND to become distressed and confused which has lead to them being distressed. This is helping support one young man.

Paddling Pool 'fun'

As it’s been really hot recently, I decided to get a paddling pool as one of the children I support absolutely loves water. I am signed up to Amazon Prime so within 24hrs a fabulous paddling pool arrived…….but due to my enthusiasm in ordering the pool, I forgot to get a pump. With much determination I decided to blow the pool up with my own set of lungs. It took several hours as I had to keep stopping to recover and return to a normal colour again. But eventually it was inflated. Well, sort of anyway. It was going to have to do!

The child loved it. As he likes to keep returning to activities I let him fill up the paddling pool. He set up a succession of watering cans which water had to be poured from one into another before finally reaching the paddling pool. We then put a small amount of washing up liquid in and we washed the toys and then without warning he jumped in and sat down……still in his clothes. Fortunately his family are amazing and know what he’s like!! He had so much fun splashing and playing that it was definitely money well spent. He spent 2 hours playing with water……the whole time he was ‘supported’ by the cat. Their relationship is beautiful, even though they’re not 100% sure of each other. Animals are so understanding.

And finally, the emptying of the paddling pool……..did we pull the specially designed plug at the bottom? Absolutely not! We turned the pool over and I ended up soaking wet too, along with the towels. The cat moved ta speed so remained dry. LOL

Once the weather warms up again I’ll definitely have the paddling pool out again. But (and I know you know this) I never left the child alone with the water. I was with him the whole time and then the water was tipped away for safety.

Happy Paddling-Pooling!

Who would order a paddling pool and not the pump……..Ooooops

Who would order a paddling pool and not the pump……..Ooooops

It started so well…….

It started so well…….

The cat enjoys his role as life-guard and takes it all in his stride

The cat enjoys his role as life-guard and takes it all in his stride

Crochet for wellbeing

As we entered March and the COVID-19 pandemic took hold of the UK, I focussed on balls of wool. Because that’s what I do when things get a bit too much and my anxiety levels start to rise. So I took to my crochet hook with gusto and even though I’ve been incredibly lucky and been working full time, I’ve still found time to crochet.

I start making a blanket which is now know as my ‘covid-19 blanket’, it was made using up all my odd balls of wool and I used them in a sort of rainbow way……sort of, but now quite. This blanket turned out to be really big and will great to snuggle under and watch telly when the evenings get darker.

I then decided to make a blanket for one of the young people I’m supporting who may be moving home soon. When I asked her if she liked it she replied ‘no’ which made me laugh. I absolutely love the honesty and clarity that comes from supporting children and young people with learning disabilities. Where else are you guaranteed a direct answer……..whether you want it or not? LOL To be fair, she does now have the blanket on her bed so I don’t think she minds it really ;-)

I’ve been using multi-coloured wool to make a large granny square which I then use of children’s laps or feet boxes to support sensory sessions. These are great and so resourceful (and easy to wash and dry). I’ve used them loads recently and I’m going to make one for my friend’s baby who will be 1 in August, as part of a sensory bag. I’m planning on using bells, bubble wrap, foam to enhance the tactile sensory experience.

And finally, in a quest to be green (and I’d seen it on Pinterest and Crochet by Lauren) I made a reusable swiffy cloth thingy. And it works. And it washed really well and still worked! So I’m looking to make a few more over 2020, but I’ve got some cushions to make first for my arbour…….oh yes, I have a seat arbour and I love it but it obviously needs cushions, fairy lights and bunting…..obviously. But more of that another time.

Keep crafting for wellbeing - it’s proven to support your mental health and I am testament to it. So Happy Crafting!

And so my ‘covid-19 blanket’ begins

And so my ‘covid-19 blanket’ begins

Crocheting with the cat in my pjs - I’m so rock n roll ;-)

Crocheting with the cat in my pjs - I’m so rock n roll ;-)

I love the different colours and textures of each wool.  It really ‘makes’ the blanket.

I love the different colours and textures of each wool. It really ‘makes’ the blanket.

Ta-dar!  My ‘cover-19 blanket’ is finished and I absolutely love it

Ta-dar! My ‘cover-19 blanket’ is finished and I absolutely love it

Starting a new blanket, this time for a young person.

Starting a new blanket, this time for a young person.

The blanket grew quite quickly and it was the first time I’d tried different stitches and loved the effect.

The blanket grew quite quickly and it was the first time I’d tried different stitches and loved the effect.

Ta-dar!  Do you like it?  No! :-)

Ta-dar! Do you like it? No! :-)

Close up of the stitches in case you’re interested……you might be, but then again….. x

Close up of the stitches in case you’re interested……you might be, but then again….. x

This wool had a velvety texture and was a definite favourite with this young person.

This wool had a velvety texture and was a definite favourite with this young person.

I added ribbons to this square but the ribbons are detachable so they can be moved to suit the individual and can be thrown away too.

I added ribbons to this square but the ribbons are detachable so they can be moved to suit the individual and can be thrown away too.

The ribbons in action……this young person loved the ribbons being moved over her feet.

The ribbons in action……this young person loved the ribbons being moved over her feet.

Trying to be green

Trying to be green

Multi-coloured and finished

Multi-coloured and finished

Here it is……all finished and ready to go :-)

Here it is……all finished and ready to go :-)

I thought I'd do more baking.....

Now, don’t get me wrong……I’ve eaten plenty during the lockdown period (as my poor jeans can confirm) but I’ve not baked as much as I thought I would have. In fact I’ve hardly baked at all. The families I support are happy for me to bake with their children but other things seem to have taken priority…….but cake eating has continued in earnest……even if it has been brought.

I did flick through pinterest (something I do on an hourly basis) and come across some great 3 ingredient receipts. The best one is featured below but I did not have honey so used golden syrup instead. These oat bites were utterly delicious and were great for breakfast………….and snack, dessert, just because……you get the idea.

One of the young people I support turned 15 and she chose her own birthday cake. I had major cake envy as I would have loved this cake as a child……to be honest I’d have loved it now (if it was gluten free); a tiara and a cake. Perfect combo. The young person loved the cake, well actually the icing and filling but that’s the best bit anyway isn’t it.

One of the family’s I support made me a traditional dinner. This was amazing. The flavours were awesome and I didn’t want my dinner to end. Truly delicious home cooking. Yummy.

And then I did bake with one little girl. We made a cake for Father’s Day. We had some much fun exploring the ingredients and getting mucky that my all my baking skills left me and we ended up with cake pieces. I manage to form these into some sort of cake shape and we used buttercream to stick it all together. I’m sure it tasted lovely and the little girl loved the experience which is the main thing.

So, perhaps I need to improve my baking skills over the next few months……..but my cake eating skills are perfect so perhaps I need to not work so hard on this area…..LOL

Happy Baking!

Thank goodness for Pinterest!

Thank goodness for Pinterest!

Cake of my dreams…….cake and tiara, what a perfect combo

Cake of my dreams…….cake and tiara, what a perfect combo

WOW  Just wow

WOW Just wow

Are we ready for Bake Off?

Are we ready for Bake Off?

Maybe not this year’s GBBO…..

Maybe not this year’s GBBO…..

If in doubt, just add butter-cream!  I’m sure Mary Berry would agree……..?

If in doubt, just add butter-cream! I’m sure Mary Berry would agree……..?


So, anyone struggling to get PPE? After nearly running out of gloves, I now have several boxes safely stored away and ready when needed. These are in a variety of colours and sizes, but needs must. My preferred glove is a Medium in pink but I’m currently rocking blue, white and a new addition of teal LOL

Now, face-masks. Are we fans of the disposable or the washable? I tend to have washable for shops etc and disposable for the hairdressers as my hair is dyed. But I tend to panic when I first wear them as I’m convinced I can’t breathe. Obviously I can but it just takes me a few minutes to settle into wearing them. How are people coping when communicating with vulnerable people and those with a language delay or communication barrier, such as a learning disability? I’m finding the young people I support with profound and complex needs are coping better than the young people with autism. They are becoming stressed and anxious by the face covering. I’m currently looking into other options……

And finally……antibacterial hand gel. Anyone who knows me knows I’ve always carried a little bottle of the stuff on me and during a trip to the USA I went to Bath & Bodyworks and picked up some of their gels which come in the most amazing flavours. But sadly I’ve run out of those now so I’m back to whatever is available in Morrisons.

So, even though PPE can be a nightmare at times. The correct use of it (don’t get me started on people incorrectly using gloves) is helping to keep us all safe and enabling us to get out and see more people. Even though I moan about not having pink medium gloves I am only joking and grateful that these items are available to us and keeping us all safe.

Happy PPE wearing!


Supporting vulnerable children in lockdown

I’m currently supporting 4 families at this time. What is so strange is that all the support is within the family home so we are being creative with what we are doing to ensure the child gets the best possible care and stimulation without being compromised in the community.

Lots of easy-at-home sensory resources have been made and used. I think my favourite so far has been the ikea sandwich bags filled with a dollop of paint. There are great to explore with your hands or feet. initially the paint is cold in the bag but it warms up and squelches as you move it. It’s incredibly relaxing and sooooo cheap to do.

The great opportunity at present is that all the boxes of random stuff ‘that I might need’ is currently being used. This is great as it also helps to tidy my work space as I go searching for things. Different materials and textures have been used to explore with our bodies. I’ve also come across some things that I’ll never use so once the lockdown is lifted these will be donated so others can use them.

I’ve also found time to use beautiful smelling moisturisers (I obviously confirmed with the family that these were ok to use first) on their limbs to help them relax but also create a lovely sensory session. Creating sensory spaces within the family homes has been once of the success stories of the lockdown. It’s enabled us all to focus on what the child has and put these resources to good use. The whole family benefits from the relaxation, whether it be the lights, sounds, smells, or the time to themselves.

I’ll add more soon but I’m off to work now…..byeeeeeeee

I'm my own worst enemy.......

So, as I’ve ,mentioned before, writing is not my strong point. I’m much better at talking. To be honest I talk too much and need to work on that but writing is definitely something I avoid. But. I really want to write a blog where I log all that I do in my work around wellbeing and supporting people with earning disabilities. As a result i have always included photographs in my blog. One, because I think it’s more interesting with photographs and accessible to most people, and secondly, because it means if my writing is vague or confusing, hopefully the photos will clarify things. I am not an IT guru. I love technology and couldn’t live without it but I’m absolutely hopeless at setting up IT systems and apps and things. So when things go wrong (e.g. I can’t find my photographs and even if I do find them I can’t move them or share them) I fall to pieces and claim everything is over. Yes. This is incredibly selfish and dramatic of me, but unfortunately there you go. I’m not proud of my response but it’s true. Normally at times like this I entice my best friend and IT legend around for a Mexican feast and she’ll fix it. She will be calm and tolerant with me whilst I’m being hideously dramatic. Once fixed I return to ‘normal’ and all is well.

Yes, I’m sorry, you’re bored now so let me get to the actual point…….finally!

As you’ve guessed I cannot currently attach pictures to my blog as I’ve obviously done something (no idea what). So in full diva mood I claimed that I couldn’t possibly write my blog! I need pictures. Fact.

But, as I’m sitting her today, with COVID19 all around. I am incredibly grateful to have my health and that of my loved ones. So what if I don’t have photos attached to the blog until the lockdown is lifted. Does it actually matter in the grand scheme of things? Nope. So I’m now aiming for the blogs without photos until I can cook a Mexican feast and get my best friend over.

Watch this space…..

Cookies make the world a happy place :-)

A lot of the children and I adults I support like to bake. The process of baking is so sensory (and tasty) that it is accessible for all and the outcomes are pretty quick to arrive. With this in mind I often have a couple of packs of cookie mix or cake mix in the cupboard for activities at home. Normally I wouldn’t buy these boxes but when you’re supporting people with additional needs sometimes all the weighing and measuring is too much to maintain their engagement so these boxes are great. They require a small amount of weighing/measuring but lots is already done. Last week I made chocolate chip cookies for a welcome home gift with one child and then M&M cookies as a treat with another.

So, I suppose all I’m saying is……..have a box or two in the cupboard for those moments where you need to create an activity with no notice. You know when it suddenly tips down with rain, or you’re self-isolating, or your plans have suddenly changed and you need an alternative.

Give them a go and happy baking (and eating!).


Girls Group - CONSENT

The last half term has been supporting an amazing group of girls with learning disabilities to understand what the word consent means and what it looks and feels like in the real world. We have had some enlightening and really deep conversations around choice and making decisions for yourself. I believe that saying ‘yes’ is the easy option but saying ‘no’ is hard and unpredictable. For young girl, especially those with additional needs, saying ‘no’ is even harder. So we tackled this complex and tricky topic in a variety of ways, including:

WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF TEA? I’d seen some YouTube videos around offering a cup of tea and linking it to consent. So I used a tea pot and a cup and offered staff in the room a cup of tea. Some said yes and some no. I then asked if consent had been given and we spoke about this. One member of staff changed her mind…….was this ok? Could she do this? This lead to lots of examples being given and an ‘interesting’ conversation about consent v wellbeing. Lots of role play and examples were used to explore this in detail.

FRIES I’m a lover of Pinterest and came across a picture of a portion of McDonald’s looking fries with the word ‘fries’ meaning something linked to consent. So we used this as another tool to explore consent and used different language linking to the same topic.

PUPPETS I’ll introduce you formally to Jasmine and Tommy soon but the power of puppets always amazes me. I first came across this at a LUTON SENDIAS conference where a man with puppets was. Whilst people were mooching about the stalls he stood with an orang-utan puppet and just watched everyone. The puppet became real and we all started to watch him and quiet down. It was so powerful. In my own small way I am trying to do the same dn I’ve started with two small puppets called Jasmine and Tommy to role-play situations and have dilemmas for the group to solve.

The conversations took on the topic of marriage - lead by the girls and we had some great conversations about marriage and relationships. One student was very clear that she would not be getting married because it’s too expensive! We all chuckled about this one with lots of staff nodding in agreement. Ha ha ha.

So this is just a snap shot of some of what we have covered and how when trying to tackle the complex subject of consent. But the clear message was ‘yes’ (when given freely is YES and everything else is NO. Fact.


December 2019

I thought that before I started banging on about the plans for 2020 and my current thinking around ‘healthy body, healthy mind’, I thought I’d re-cap December. It’s been such a busy but amazing month. I have felt so privileged in my job to share some magical moments with some really special children and I treasure these moments so much.

I have to say that I could not have survived December without the £1 craft packs form the The Works. These packs are literally a-mazing. They contain everything you need for a simple craft activity. I often do these with children in the fast food restaurant after they’ve eaten. The foam Christmas tree was a totally success and if these are on sale next year i shall be bulk buying them! One of the children I support likes to complete the craft activity and then have a photo with it. He will then break it up and put it in the bin. The activity is clearly finished. Luckily I have permission to take photos of him during our sessions so his family get to see what he has created…….even though it never gets home.

The Works packs even contain felt pens and although these are not the best quality they do the job well enough. However. In honour of it being Christmas (and we happened to be in Tesco and they were a good price) I brought some Crayola felt pens. Now. These are brilliant and thankfully are washable (as felt pen seems to get everywhere……literally everywhere). But they do need their lids putting on to last……something we are working on.

Living near Luton we have amazing travel routes and I feel that children should be exposed to these whilst they are young to build up their confidence and tolerance to see what skills they can develop going forwards. At the end of the day I am passionate about preparing the children I support (and their families) for adulthood. So between Christmas and New Year… that strange time when no one knows what day it is but chocolate seems to be eaten at any time……we went on the train to Flitwick from Leagrave. Both these stations are quite small and the parking at Leagrave is next to the station which supports our journey. The train was virtually empty which suited us greatly and we had a lovely time in Flitwick…..Costa, Tesco and the park. So lovely and lots of ‘hidden’ walking took place. Obviously I am always keen to visit a Costa so the fact there is one right by the station in Flitwick is quite rewarding for me too! Be rude not to really wouldn’t it…….

I love what I do but I have to be honest and say the most amazing part of the month was supporting a beautiful little girl to visit Santa. We booked to see Santa at Poplars Garden Centre in Toddington. The Santa experience was provided through Great Grottos UK and they were what they said on the tin. For £10.00 we met with the elves, met Santa, saw some talking reindeers (yes you read that correctly) and grew a Christmas tree. The team were so good with the little girl who has a very complex learning disability. Everything was so well planned and the staff were polite and eager. I’m sure by the time we arrived (21 Dec) they were sick to death of smiling and tolerating children but they were just awesome. Santa, in particular, had some wise words about the importance of siblings of a disabled child having the attention and focus on them too. Something I am passionate about and I hope that whilst I am supporting the disabled child their siblings are getting much needed attention from their family. Anyway……..back to Santa. They took a photo and a gift was given. The child also gets a free hot chocolate in the cafe. We opted for the platinum package where lots of photos are printed. I am very aware that you should live every day and for some of the children I support it is known their lives are likely to be shorter than their non-disabled peers so I wanted as many memories for her parents as possible. We had such a great time and it is definitely a Santa I will return to and will recommend (especially for children with SEND)……although they do not have a Changing Places facility…….but that’s for another day.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think you have beat an iced biscuit. And lets face it; the more iced the better. So we popped to Morrisons to get some decorating essentials and then decorated some pre-made biscuits. Yes, yes, yes, lazy I know but sometimes the lady I support can be a little ‘motivationally challenged’ so at least her family had a plate of treats this way. I think it’s fair to say that some biscuits had all the icing and sweets whereas others were a little plainer. But she did it herself and that what matters to me. It is all about the person doing what they can and not watching their carer doing it for them.

We visited a cafe in Bedford called A Different Brew. It is run by adults with learning disabilities…..more about this venue later on as we are planning to return soon.

Supporting families and focussing on their wellbeing is very important to me. Wellbeing is a key part of Marjorie and Me. It is something I am really keen on and will be trying to focus more on this in 2020 for myself and the people around me. Anyway, I’m waffling (again), so on the day before Christmas Eve five of us supported an amazing young lady to choose some CDs for Christmas. We had been working on this and felt that she really needed this treat. So myself and my colleague arrived at Sainsbury’s early and we took photos of the route to the CD section and then sent them to the family so they could share them with her prior to arriving. So with us two and three members of the family we created a ‘supportive bubble’ around her. She did brilliantly and her smile (and that of her Mum’s) made it all worth while and really kick-started my Christmas. It made why I do what I do all worth it. So onto 2020 for her……

And finally, and importantly, I did some Girl Group sessions on relaxation. It has to be acknowledged that this time of year is stressful. Fun. But stressful too. And just because you’re a child does not mean you miss the stress or anxiety. It impacts everyone. So our sessions were around lavender heat packs, hand massage, colouring and quiet time. Not only did the girls relax but their support staff did too. Nothing can prepare a new member of staff for the business of December is a special needs school! Having been in this field of work for 22 years I hope I was able to prepare the newbies for what was coming….. Hopefully the girls were able to have time to relax as part of the school holidays too. For me, it’s crochet. Crochet supports my mental health, relaxation and one day, I’m hoping, my sleep (fingers crossed).

Right! That’s December all wrapped up. Now onto 2020…..but first I’m off to my parents for a delicious roast beef dinner for New Years Day :-)


Jordan's Mill

As a child my parents took us along to the breakfast cereal people, Jordans Mill, for a visit. The venue was basically a little shed type shop selling cereal. Well, how things have changed! The venue now is amazing. The cafe is by the water which is such a relaxing place to sit by and enjoy a coffee and natter. I did have some photos of the venue but my laptop and wifi are currently getting divorced and I can’t find them - grrrrrrrrr! But anyway………this weekend I took a lovely little girl for a walk around the sensory garden and by the water before heading inside for a drink and a slice (large) of cake. The venue is very accessible with automatic doors and an accessible car park.

I have also taken a couple of friends there. Who are both eager to return and enjoy the amazing venue to relax in. There is also a lovely shop and the gardens are beautiful. I suspect it’ll be spectacular in the summer.

Anyway, if you want to go the address is: Jordans Mill, Langford Road, Langford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 9JY

If you do go along let me know how you get on :-)


The magic of loom bands

Who knew that little coloured elastic bands could be so calming and rewarding…… Until recently I never knew the joy of making a loom band bracelet. I love crafts and being creative. And as I’ve previously stated my enthusiasm tends to greatly outweigh my skill but I find making things so good for my wellbeing. In the weekly Girls Group sessions I run loom bands were mentioned and my friend reassured me that the students would know how to ‘loom-band’. So I trotted off to the session with this plastic tub of small coloured bands (without a clue how to use them myself) and wow……….the students were amazing. They sat around on the floor helping and teaching each other how to join the bands so that a bracelet could be made. They taught me and some of my colleagues and before long a calmness took over and we sat together, chatting, making jewellery out of these bands. Whenever I bring in the loom bands the students are always really happy and love them……they make a bracelet quickly so it’s a quick win. Almost instant results. They make them for each other too and their family. And the staff supporting the session, often being taught by a student, comment how calming it is.

So the message from me today is: always have a tub of loom bands available. You never know when you’ll need them and you’ll be amazed as the students pick up the skills and support each other.

Happy loom-banding!


Getting back into routine

I have had a lovely summer and supported some amazing children and adults to access a variety of different places……..but I’m so happy to be back in my routine. The summer holiday was great; visits to the seaside, cinema, farms, parks, restaurants and the the list goes on. But I feel so much more secure in my routine. I look forward to the break from routine so much but, in hindsight, I prefer to be in my routine. It makes me feel safe and secure. I’m a creature of habit and like predictability so routine is so important to me.

So my week now looks a bit like this:

Monday - admin and supporting a child (1:1)

Tuesday - supporting a child (1:1)

Wednesday - day in school and then supporting a child

Thursday - day in school and then supporting a child

Friday - supporting an adult (1:1)

Saturday - supporting a child/day off

Sunday - supporting a child/day off

My hope is to have a day off over the weekend if it all goes to plan. This will enable me to work on my new college course and have dedicated time to focus on it.

So……back to routine: today is all about admin and then meeting a friend for coffee before heading off to work :-)

Have a lovely week!

Thank goodness for Costa coffee… has kept me going ;-)

Thank goodness for Costa coffee… has kept me going ;-)

Summer holidays 2019

So, why is it that the moment things get busy, the first thing I drop is my blog? Yet I’m actually really enjoying trying to write a blog and how I can use it to develop my skills in my work… I’m going to try and focus on the blog…….how many times have you heard that? Fair play, but I’m going to try…….

So this summer holiday I have been busy supporting children and adults with learning disabilities to access the community and enjoy the break from school (and to give their families much needed respite).

SENSORY - I have been exploring the senses through all the situations we have accessed; from the farm, to home to the park. Lots of textures, smells and sounds have been explored…..the manure at the farm certainly got a reaction!

RELAXATION - I am really keen to focus on wellbeing for the individuals I support as well as their families. So whilst I’m out and about I hope the family relax and enjoy their time together without distraction and worry. Meanwhile I am also keen to promote a sense of calm in each of the people I support. It’s great to have fun and be busy and boisterous but the ability to calm and enjoy what is around is also an essential part of growing up and preparing for adulthood. We have been out for lunch, enjoyed a cuppa and had a chat, sat people watching at Willen Lake and watched TV after a busy day.

GLOW-IN-THE-DARK BOWLING - well, this was a roaring success. Initially a risk (but if you don’t try new things you’ll never know). We went to Go Bowling in Dunstable and played a game of bowling in the dark with disco music, a disco ball and glow in the dark balls, pins and lanes. This was such fun and definitely to be repeated! The sensory experience enabled the young person to focus on the game and ‘shut out’ everything else. Plus we had hot dog, chips and a slush drink afterwards :-)

BAKING AND TREATS - Baking is such an amazing sensory experience; from exploring the ingredients to the smell of it cooking, to (the best bit) eating it. We have also been to have ice-cream at various places and loved every mouthful. Now prepare yourself as I’m going to sound very old……but…….can you believe how much a magnum ice-cream is nowadays??!! We paid £2.50 at Willen Lake today and this seems to be average. Like I said, I’m sounding very old…….and son’t get me started on the cans of drink for £1.50. LOL

OUTSIDE FUN - We had a great time at Dunstable Downs (one of my favourite places) kite flying in the extreme wind. The kite I use does not have any plastic poles in it so if it comes down it will not hurt anyone……we can sometimes be very ‘enthusiastic’ so this is a great ‘top tip’. It was so lovely seeing children and adults at the Downs flying kites, having picnics and being happy together. It warmed my heart. Wile Lake has been another great place to visit. The train was a success (even though the bench seats do cause a numb bum) and only cost £2.00 a person. There are great outside gym equipment there too which we may not have used correctly but certainly enjoyed.

I won’t go one anymore as I know I am the Queen of Waffle but it’s fair to say I’m loving the summer holidays and having a great time. When you love your job it’s not like work :-)

Off to the seaside tomorrow….in the rain……………

Ice-cream is the perfect treat in the summer…..even when it’s raining ;-)

Ice-cream is the perfect treat in the summer…..even when it’s raining ;-)

Chocolate cupcakes with mini smarties.  The smell of these cooking was sensational and really added to the session.

Chocolate cupcakes with mini smarties. The smell of these cooking was sensational and really added to the session.

Yes!  You see correctly: that’s a doughnut on top of a milkshake with extra cream, sweets and sauces.  A total treat….but utterly delicious.  This is from Blend in Biggleswade.

Yes! You see correctly: that’s a doughnut on top of a milkshake with extra cream, sweets and sauces. A total treat….but utterly delicious. This is from Blend in Biggleswade.

Sensory play and postural seating - great session and physic all rolled into one.

Sensory play and postural seating - great session and physic all rolled into one.

Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling - a roaring success and definitely will be repeated!

Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling - a roaring success and definitely will be repeated!

Relaxing with a cup of tea and a chat.

Relaxing with a cup of tea and a chat.

Relaxing and watching TV in postural seating.  Great to support digestion after a meal.

Relaxing and watching TV in postural seating. Great to support digestion after a meal.

It’s off the ground!!  This was quite rare as the string was more interesting than the kite.

It’s off the ground!! This was quite rare as the string was more interesting than the kite.

Colour sorting to support wellbeing and promote calmness.

Colour sorting to support wellbeing and promote calmness.

It’s all about yellow here!

It’s all about yellow here!

And then I turned 40.....

So, after making a bold promise that I’d blog weekly, I’ve already broken that promise. Sorry. But I was busy turning 40 and all that it entailed. As this has been a monumental part of this month I thought I’d share my activities on here for you all to read (well, you Jane to be honest).

The children I support all have complex needs and very rarely, if at all, get invited to birthday parties. This is surely a rite of passage of a child growing up. The families I work with are all fully aware of this but acknowledge that their child’s complex needs means ‘parties’ are hard work and a worry. So in a bid to offer an inclusive service, I hosted a farm party for the children and their families, to celebrate my birthday. The rule was…..there was no rule and no one had to apologise or excuse their child’s behaviours. Everyone was accepted for who they are. I have to say, it went really well and Wycombe Pastures provided an excellent opportunity for everyone. Everyone was brilliant and experienced the event in a way they could manage…..except Marvin (the goat) that ate my Aunty’s dress. Well, there is always one…. ;-)

After hosting a farm party I went on to have a family curry on my actual birthday, then a meal out with my friends before an eventful family BBQ (1 broken deckchair, 2 people on the floor after falling off the picnic table and vomit in the lounge….). But it was an amazing 8 days and I was thoroughly spoilt. I find accepting gifts really hard as I never think I deserve them or am worthy of them but I’ve been given some amazing things. I am truly lucky and happy to have the friends and family I have in my life.

Back to work stuff in the next blog but thanks for reading :-)

Farmer Ian walking the goats in…..on a lead……as you do

Farmer Ian walking the goats in…..on a lead……as you do

An adorable skinny-pig

An adorable skinny-pig

Mini is the well behaved black goat and Marvin is the cheeky, dress-chewing, grey one.

Mini is the well behaved black goat and Marvin is the cheeky, dress-chewing, grey one.

Here I am with Farmer Ian collecting my party bag

Here I am with Farmer Ian collecting my party bag

This is the chicken that went on an adventure and ended up under my sofa…..

This is the chicken that went on an adventure and ended up under my sofa…..

The traditional family birthday cake - thank you, Mum xxx

The traditional family birthday cake - thank you, Mum xxx

Meal out with my friends……bestie

Meal out with my friends……bestie


Half term fun

Now, before I start waffling on about half term, I need to stress that I like to accompany what I write with photographs. I’m a visual learner so photos really help and I think they make things more interesting. But. For some unknown reason my laptop is not showing recent photos…..I’ve asked my IT guru for assistance…..she has replied with ‘ok’ so hopefully by next week photos will be available. Anyway…………

So May half term has been really good fun and I have to say, I owe a lot of the success to the £1-£2 activity packs from The Works. We have made a mermaid, painted a bird box and coloured-in. These activity packs are only pence and are great for filling time……at the end of a meal, whilst the rain eases, to focus attention away from a possible trigger. I’ll definitely keep buying these (and I obviously have some great photos of these items to share - shame!).

We access a local leisure centre (Flitwick). It’s been newly refurbished and from arrival through to the pool, the journey flows beautifully. This is great for children and adults with autism as you don’t need to go back on yourself. I love this as this allows independence and an easy step-by-step process to get from the reception desk to the pool. We are soon going to be introducing shower gel to our shower routine. Yep - little steps but all in the right direction.

Obviously a lot of junk food has been consumed as well as various visits to extremely busy parks……I like an empty park. I can’t lie. The emptier the better to be honest. But I think that’s more to do with my anti-social skills rather than anything else! There has also been a trip to the cinema to see ‘Pets 2’. Having not seen Pets 1 I was unsure what it was about but the child I supported clearly enjoyed it. Now. Here is my soap box moment…….Films that are PG or U are great but I find 12A a tricky one. Sometimes I think that what is considered suitable under this category should be a 15. And now I sound really old don’t I? To be fair, I think my challenge is that just because someone is chronologically a certain age does not mean they are emotionally that age or able to cope with topics that are addressed. So, I tend to stay with PG and U films as the children I support all have complex/severe learning disabilities.

Finally I supported a child to access Wycombe Pastures mobile petting farm at The Olde Water Mill in Barton. Now, being totally transparent I need to declare that Farmer Ian (who owns the farm) is my cousin and he is really good and passionate about what he does. The child I supported loved it, especially the chickens that were roaming freely. And the pony was very tolerant of having her mane brushed backwards. And the sheep coped well with the child’s enthusiasm of exploring their woolly coat. And…….the list goes on but all the animals are so well supervised and as a result the child calmed beautifully and had an amazing experience. And carers go in free……bonus!

An excellent half term………and onto the next week and only 7 weeks before the summer holidays…..gulp!