I'm my own worst enemy.......

So, as I’ve ,mentioned before, writing is not my strong point. I’m much better at talking. To be honest I talk too much and need to work on that but writing is definitely something I avoid. But. I really want to write a blog where I log all that I do in my work around wellbeing and supporting people with earning disabilities. As a result i have always included photographs in my blog. One, because I think it’s more interesting with photographs and accessible to most people, and secondly, because it means if my writing is vague or confusing, hopefully the photos will clarify things. I am not an IT guru. I love technology and couldn’t live without it but I’m absolutely hopeless at setting up IT systems and apps and things. So when things go wrong (e.g. I can’t find my photographs and even if I do find them I can’t move them or share them) I fall to pieces and claim everything is over. Yes. This is incredibly selfish and dramatic of me, but unfortunately there you go. I’m not proud of my response but it’s true. Normally at times like this I entice my best friend and IT legend around for a Mexican feast and she’ll fix it. She will be calm and tolerant with me whilst I’m being hideously dramatic. Once fixed I return to ‘normal’ and all is well.

Yes, I’m sorry, you’re bored now so let me get to the actual point…….finally!

As you’ve guessed I cannot currently attach pictures to my blog as I’ve obviously done something (no idea what). So in full diva mood I claimed that I couldn’t possibly write my blog! I need pictures. Fact.

But, as I’m sitting her today, with COVID19 all around. I am incredibly grateful to have my health and that of my loved ones. So what if I don’t have photos attached to the blog until the lockdown is lifted. Does it actually matter in the grand scheme of things? Nope. So I’m now aiming for the blogs without photos until I can cook a Mexican feast and get my best friend over.

Watch this space…..