Enjoying the last of the summer sun

Last weekend was beautiful and I was working with an amazing little girl who will be 6 soon. How fast time goes! I have been supporting her since she was 2 years old and it’s literally flown by. Anyway…….I’m digressing……

So, what with the beautiful weather, we decided to spend some time in the garden and get our feet out. I’m a fan of washing up bowls. They are so versatile. I use them for water play, sorting, carrying things, painting, and stuff. So I placed a sheet of paper in the bowl and dolloped some paint on it. Then I added C’s feet. I let her explore freely the different textures of the paint, paper and bowl. C was shocked, initially, by the cold paint but then really got into it. She was moving her feet independently and making some amazing images on paper. I kept swapping the paper and then added more paint to the bowl. After a while I removed the paper and added glitter to the bowl. C loved this and was very animated in her exploration of the different textures.

As we were outside there were lots of different sounds too; vehicles, planes, birds, children in the other gardens, and so on. C loved this and was laughing and having a great time.

We then had water play with some beautiful smelling soap whilst I washed the paint off her feet and legs (and leggings - luckily it’s washable paint: phew!). C loved kicking and splashing in the water.

We had such a lovely afternoon and unsurprisingly she had a good nap later on :-)

Happy painting and creating!

Only just started and there’s paint up her legs!

Only just started and there’s paint up her legs!

You can never have enough glitter……..although I kept finding it for days for after

You can never have enough glitter……..although I kept finding it for days for after

The cleaning process begins……

The cleaning process begins……

Drying off and getting ready for a nap

Drying off and getting ready for a nap