When will I learn?

The past 18 months have effected us all differently, but I think it’s fair to say that no one has been untouched by the pandemic. Our lives are different and we are eager to welcome in the ‘new normal’……whatever that may be! For the people who have lost their jobs and are desperately seeking new employment, this must be such a worrying time. For the families who have tried to ‘work from home’ whilst ‘home-schooling’ their children, I salute you! My heart really goes out to the families where one of their children has autism. Routine and repetition is so important for these children and the sudden and unexplained changes have been awful for them, their families and most importantly, their siblings. I believe these families have really struggled and my heart goes out to them. Schools and colleges provide such an important learning opportunity for children and young people with SEND as well as a safe sanctuary. Families are reliant on these settings and their lives have been turned upside over the past 18 months. I do want to stress that in no way am I suggesting only families with a child with autism have struggled. I have experienced these families and their struggles so I am speaking from experience but I totally recognise that all of us are different and our situations are unique as are experiences of the pandemic. The struggle has been real.

I have been working throughout the pandemic and due to demand I have worked for 7 days a week for an extended period of time, which was not my intention at all, but it happened. The consequence to this has been huge on my health. I am having to slow down now, because my health is being significantly affected by this past year and to ensure I can keep working (albeit less hours) I have to listen to my body and the fabulous NHS. But I am determined to learn from this experience (finally) and want the second half of 2021 to be my healthiest and happiest!

So, it’s time to practice what I preach…….

Get the sun lotion on and enjoy all the vitamin D!
