January finally ended

I know everyone is saying it; but my goodness, January 2021 was the longest month ever!

I thought I’d take this opportunity to reflect on the last month. At the moment it is easy to get swept up in the anxiety and uncertainty of the current situation. These feelings are all valid and genuine, but for me, I need to have a break from these and force myself to focus on the things I have achieved and the successes of the past month.

So, I’ve learnt to develop my skills around zoom, PowerPoint and iMovie. My best friend is my personal IT consultant as she’s brilliant at all things computery but I think I’ve exhausted her as she’s been telling me to ‘look it up on YouTube’ or ‘google it’. I mean, who can blame her, I have 100 questions an hour! As a result I’ve been busy searching for things on YouTube to develop my skills. Sometimes I’m not sure how to do things……but it works out well in the end……and then I struggle to remember what I did. Or I spend ages trying to learn something and then figure out what I need to do is sooooo easy to achieve that I end up laughing at my own ridiculousness!

I’m most proud of my evolving zoom and filming skills. I’ve learnt to share a screen and play a video. And now I even know how to ensure everyone else can hear it too! My success rate on sharing a screen is around 50% but I’m hoping February will see this improve. I’m not sure how long I can expect others to be patient of my limited skills so here’s hoping they get better asap.

I’ve also started sharing some videos on YouTube but this is very early days and now I’m phaffing about ‘good light’ and ‘overcast days’. As the days get lighter for longer I’m hoping to get better at making short videos around Makaton signs and topics of interest……..I’ve got to remember to film in landscape as it looks better on social media. If only I could remember. But I’m enjoying making signing videos and sharing knowledge. I even did one in the car, in the snow and ice. That drew some stares from people walking past I can tell you!

Looking into February…….I’m hopeful that the days being lighter for longer will help everyone start to feel a bit better. Sun light is amazing at helping us feel a little better. And, of course, I have my IT skills to improve……..so watch this space!!

Take care and stay safe

Hello February - you’ve been greatly anticipated for!

Hello February - you’ve been greatly anticipated for!