Cub Scout Disability Awareness Badge

Yesterday I had an inspiring and creative evening with a group of Luton Cub Scouts as we worked towards their Disability Awareness Badge.  The children were engaging and eager to participate in a variety of activities and contribute their thoughts and feelings.  We used Makaton to sign the Cub Scout Promise as well as sing and sign along to 'Old MacDonald' and 'Happy Birthday'.  By the end of the session the children could all finger spell their name and helped each other out when they got stuck.  It was great to see the children supporting each other and reflecting on the use of signing to communicate.  We also looked at physical disabilities and drew pictures with either our mouths or feet.  The children, although initially unsure, within seconds were whipping their shoes and socks off and having a go.  As a sweet treat to finish the session we decided to decorate biscuits.......blind-folded.  The blind-folds were the greatest faff but the children all had at least one biscuit by the end of the session liberally covered with sticky icing sugar and stacked high with chocolates.  It was a worthy and meaningful session and one I have delivered before but I am always so impressed by the spirit of children to accept difference and embrace change.  It was inspiring and I left feeling that these children were going to make a difference.  And at the end of the day this is why I established Marjorie & Me.
