Singer sewing machine

So today has been an exciting day in my skill development........learning how to use my sewing machine.  For my thirteenth birthday my parents brought me a singer sewing machine.  This was not asked for and, if i'm being honest, not gratefully received either.  That was in 1992.  Now aged 38 I have finally got around to learning how to use it.  When my friend, Sharon, popped round she stood in horror at the sight of my ancient machine.  However after a little bit of laughter we managed to three it and off we went.  I don't have 'scrap fabric' hanging around, although I think that may change now I've developed a love for the sewing machine.  So I used a dress that my friend gave me that did not suit me at all.....I cut and ripped it up and then set about attempting to sew a straight line.  It's such fun and I throughly enjoyed myself.  The bobbin bit was a bit of challenge and my first attempt had to be binned as it was a baggy, knotty bobbin which was totally ineffective, but I got the hang of it and now I love it.  Sharon was so patient with me and tolerant of my ridiculousness that this gave me the confidence to continue.  And now my head is filled with grand plans, creative fun and lots of beautiful fabric.  Watch out Easy here I come!
