/It is that time of year when all students in Year 11 have forgotten about their GCSEs and all students in Year 13 don’t care the outcome of their A Levels…..they’re looking forward to summer and Prom season is in full swing. Students with SEND and those with who attend special schools and provisions are no different……they are also looking forward to the summer, the lie-ins and the anticipation of their new provision in September.
This week saw A attending her Prom. It is an amazing night and a real highlight of how amazing the staff and students are and what they are working towards: adulthood.
I often feel the anticipation and preparation for big events, like Prom, are better than the actual event. A was so looking forward to Prom; dressing up, having her hair and make-up done and wearing her new outfit. She loved all this. She enjoyed Prom but it can be overwhelming……things like being comfortable, personal care, hydration and medication all have an impact and these are the things we cannot control for the individual. Everything else is manageable but these things are internal and can make or break an event/Prom.
Prom is a right of passage and A loved it. I fully support the inclusion of everyone in a way they can manage, understand and participate in.