I'm still moaning about the heat (but I'll stop soon - promise)

Wow! What a scorcher of a week it has been. So hot and sticky. My creativity was zapped and my ability to keep going was greatly challenged by the heat. However, it’s cooler this week so I should be back to firing on all cylinders…..that’s the plan anyway ;-)

Last week was hot so it was all about finding air-conditioned venues and keeping very vulnerable children cool and calm. At one point I found myself sheltering in McDonald’s as the plumber was in my house and had the heating on FULL - awful! But the children have been amazing - lots of ice-cream, fans, drinks and water play. Plus the compulsory car-selfie - goes without saying really doesn't it.

I have completed my Communication & Interaction workshops with Luton now. I think they have been taken well by those that attended. Lots of practitioners did not attend which was a shame but those who did were great and so involved and motivated. I think the opportunity to meet face-to-face and do activities which were practical rather than IT based where a breath of fresh air to practitioners……everything is becoming too ‘meet on teams’ or ‘meet on zoom’ so being away from this was really positive.

Apart from this - my week has been tiring and I’m focusing on work/life balance (something I really struggle with). This week I intend to have more ‘life’ :-)

Stay cool!

The classic car-selfie! But on my goodness, look at my roots - scary!

The last venue for my Communication & Interaction workshops - the pink trolley had to make a feature - obviously.

S, with her slinky, having an aromatherapy massage - the smell was amazing!

The only reason we had a McFlurry at 10am was to combat the heat - honestly……… ;-)