It's all about the McFlurry

Every weekend I support an amazing little girl with profound and complex learning disabilities. Prior to the pandemic I was supporting her to increase her tolerance of new experiences, sounds, smells and tastes. Unfortunately the pandemic prevented us from continuing on this path, however being safe and well is definitely more important than anything else so that has been our priority.

However, as things are slowly returning to ‘normal’ I decided this weekend we would start exploring a new opportunity; McDonald’s Drive-Thru. This challenged C is a variety of ways; she does not like the car stopping, she is not a fan of people talking that she does not like (especially men) and she hates it when the car stops properly and the engine is turned off…….so this was going to be interesting……

C was amazing; she coped really well with everything until I stopped the car to give her the ice cream. She did her usual and started to scream but once the first spoonful of ice cream had been tasted she instantly calmed and enjoyed herself immensely! McFlurry has healing powers…….ha ha ha.

Sometimes it is easier and safer to do what is familiar and predictable. However stepping outside of our comfort zone does us all good from time to time. So I’ll repeat this several more times before introducing a new experience but then we will try something new. Ensuring C has a great quality of life, filled with experiences that stimulate and motivate her is my goal. And McDonald’s was a success!

Have a great week and take care
