Sensory Tray - Pasta

Last week the sensory tray on offer to the young people with SEND was a 3 sorts of pasta tray. One bag of pasta was cooked, one was raw and one was dyed green (and raw). I tried to dye the cooked pasta blue but, as you can see from the photo, this did not happen…..I managed to dye the water blue so if anyone knows how to dye cooked pasta please let me know. Thank you.

The session was a great success as the different textures and colours allowed for great exploration of feelings. Definitely one to repeat….next time I might cook all the pasta and provide scissors so the pasta can be cut up as that can be quote a relaxing activity too.

You need:

  • Pasta

  • Food colouring

  • Tray

Let me know if you try this sensory activity and how you get on…..

Take care and have fun!

3 sorts of pasta: raw, green and cooked

3 sorts of pasta: raw, green and cooked