Learning from the Craft Fairs.....

I finally plucked up the courage and attended two completely different craft fairs.  One was the local May Fair on the Village Green and the other was a Table Top sale in a Church Hall.  Both were fantastic opportunities to learn and meet other like-minded people.  I have no expectation that I will make any money this year (or even make even) but I'm hoping to learn how to do it next year.  Before the fairs my lovey friend, Jane, contacted me to say I needed to take pegs (in case of wind) and coffee as well as a friend so that I can nip to the loo and the stall is not abandoned.  So I roped my best friend into this and off we went........

To be honest the thing I was dreading the most was the gazebo.  I had brought a gazebo off the internet 18 months ago and it had remained in its box, in the garage, unopened the whole time.  As my garden is tiny I thought I'd just have to blag it on the day so the box was bundled into the car and off we set.  Josie had repeatedly told me that it would be ok but her eyes did not say the same and as we entered the Green she could be heard commenting that if we parked by the trees we probably wouldn't even need a gazebo.  Once parked the moment had arrived for the gazebo reveal and tentatively I opened the box and then the bag.  At this point Josie could be heard to cry "it's a pop up" and set about with gusto to build it.  Her face was filled with relief and smiles as she told me she was dreading having hundreds of poles to put together.  So without even realising it I'd picked a good gazebo.......

So, before I waffle on for any longer, which I could do but fear you're getting bored already, here are my initial thoughts of how I need to improve my stall going forwards:

  • I need to invest in an old-fashioned clothes horse to display blankets and scarves (you know the wooden ones).
  • I need a banner which says: Marjorie & Me for the stall front.
  • I need to stop getting gazebo envy and be happy with my little green number.
  • I need to develop an order form and payment plan for people who want customise items which I can make but that are not on the stall.
  • I need to add some items to my crochet baskets to stop people thinking they're hats!
  • I need to have photos of my work so people can see what else is available or what other colour combinations look good.
  • I need a sign which says:  Handmade as people were querying if I'd made the items or was simply selling them on.
  • My business cards need updating to include my website.
  • I need a fake small tree for hanging keyrings etc on for display,
  • I need a small tailored jacket to display the brooches on.
  • I need a receipt book
  • I also think I need to add a price list of my items on my social media sites so people are aware of what things cost prior to attending.
  • I need to make small 'pocket money' items for children as they were interested in my crafts too.

I met some local fellow crafters and have been invited along to their monthly session so hopefully that'll help me develop better links locally and get to know other like-minded people.

But.......the highlight was selling one of my cushions.  I'm so happy that I'm still grinning from ear to ear.  And now onto the next one and making more items.......
