Etsy 2018

Oh my goodness!  I've finally plucked up the courage and listed some of my handmade creations onto my easy shop.  I find crafting so relaxing and therapeutic.  Its a great way of exploring my creativity and I love it.........but that doesn't mean others will, and this is my biggest fear.  But I've taken a huge breath, well several to be exact, and I've posted a few bits on my easy shop, with the rest to follow shortly.  I'm aiming to add between 8-12 items per month and I'm hoping my craft will start to be drawn to by others.  I appreciate this is a huge ask and the feelings of failure that I'm experiencing is overwhelming but I'm ploughing on regardless.  The benefits of being creative and being happy in my creative place out-weigh the fear (and that is what I keep telling myself).

So far I've listed a couple of cute little crochet purses, a set of six uber funky coasters and some cards.  Cushions and hanging hearts will be added in the next few days.  And then fingers crossed......I'm hoping to keep you updated as to how I get on, what works, what I learn and what I'll never do again!  Sometimes you learn more from knowing what not to do again rather than what to do!  These lessons are the hardest but most powerful.

So, I'm off to start advertising my easy shop but I'll be back soon and hoping to post short blogs regularly.  I'm better at reading short posts rather than longer ones as I tend to get easily side-tracked.......

Bye for now x