Marjorie and Me

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A busy but lovely week

I’m back in schools now so it feels like autumn is well and truly on its way.

I had an eventful start to one school where I support small groups of children to learn Makaton. The beginning of term is always chaotic and busy. The staff are working so hard but I’m sure me rocking up with a bag of stuff to lead sessions around “Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?” was very unhelpful!!

You know when you get those moments where you think……oh dear, look at me now….? Well, this happened on Monday afternoon in one of my Makaton sessions. There were 4 children with me and 1 member of support staff who was lovely. The children are all around the age of 7ish. They are delightful and enthusiastic. At one point, whilst signing ‘polar bear’ all 4 children were not engaged: 1 was heading for the door at speed, 1 was laying on the floor under the table, 1 was jumping on the table and the other 1 was planking on his chair……. The staff are amazing and take all this in their stride. The complex needs of children with SEND and their limited concentration due to their additional needs makes for some interesting experiences…..but I love what I do and I love the progress they make over the year.

In another school I’m leading some Extended PSHE sessions….the highlight for me was the conversation around ‘puberty’. It is such an overwhelming experience especially for young people with SEND and autism. One student said they had heard about it but were unhappy about it. So that’s what we are going to be tackling now… an attempt to reduce their anxiety and give them facts and support systems.

In other news it has been hot. Not just warm. Not just hot. But unbearably and uncomfortably hot……lots of puzzles and stories in the shade with fluid.

Anyway, got to dash! I have to pop to the vets to pick up my cat’s medication….
