Marjorie and Me

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It’s the time of year when everything seems to be ‘fun’ but utterly exhausting - the only time of the year worst than this is Christmas! So far, I’ve been to a prom, an awards ceremony, attended appointments, chased up resources, been hungover and written reports…..the list is endless.

So, I think I need to re-focus on my wellbeing and happiness. Time at home is really important to me and I’ve not been having any of it recently. I have a few days off so I’m going to be at home and potter about: clearing out cupboards, crocheting and ignoring the garden. Much needed. I’ll definitely be in my happy place.

Over the next 6 weeks, in-between work, I’m going to meet up with friends, potter at home, de-clutter cupboards and drawers, and tackle my office space.

Running alongside this is my hope that I will be able to develop some business ideas and implement them so they’re ready by October…….wish me luck!

tired but smiling