Marjorie and Me

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Random selection of photos after a month of being poorly

Oh my goodness - that chesty virus thing that involves sickness and ear pain is awful, but after one month, it’s finally left me! Whoop whoop! So, I’m finally get back on track with life instead of dragging myself through the day and crawling into bed at 6pm.

So welcome back!

This week I’ve discovered the ‘healing’ qualities of a creme egg McFlurry - stay with me, I’m going somewhere……Whilst feeling very unwell and my throat feeling sore I craved something cold. I was having to get a new tyre so on the way home I drove into McDonalds and this is where the healing started…..creme egg McFlurry. I felt so much better afterwards and I’m guessing it’s just because it was very cold and smooth to digest rather than actually being ‘healing’ but……I’ve had 3 in 2 weeks just in case.

At the weekend I popped along to Sensory Magic in Biggleswade where the amazing Ally has her provision: a beautiful sensory room for babies, children and adults. C, who I take there, features on the advertising on Ally’s car which her family love. Such a great provision and definitely one to check out.

I am going to be working with a baby next week so I thought I’d practice getting the car seat into my car. Whenever I leave my house in the morning I never see anyone……yesterday was different: everyone was out and they all started congratulating me. I ended up saying; “It’s for work, I’m just fat!” over and over again - oh well. But, I fitted it into the car much easier than I anticipated so I’m hopeful that can be repeated - only time will tell.

And now, finally, onto my feet! I have decided it is summer so dragged out my sandals however the weather is not on the same page as me and I have suffered cold toes and wet feet twice this week. I then started supporting a new family who request you wear ‘house shoes’ - I took along flip-flops. Big mistake. They were a nightmare to slip on and off without my head being filled with swear words and the flip-flops spinning around on the floor whilst I attempt to jab my foot into it. On the way home I popped into Sainsburys and picked up these rather fabulous slider-like-things for only £8. I have high hopes for these working - fingers crossed!

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and I’ll be back soon x