Marjorie and Me

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Hydration, hydration, hydration!

After severely abandoning my blog and website, I thought the summer would be a great time to re-start it and focus my energies. I dutifully put a diary reminder in my phone for every Monday to update the blog and write inspiring and informative pieces about the world of PMLD children and adults as well as those with SEND. Today is my first diary entry called ‘BLOG’. I wanted to write about creative and budget friendly activities you can do with your children and the adults you support to be engaged over the summer. I wanted to mention that tomorrow is CHANGING PLACES TOILET AWARENESS DAY. This is something I am so passionate about and will definitely come back to. I wanted to talk about my plans going forwards with my business as there are lots of changes afoot and I think 2023 is going to be interesting.


Its been nearly 40 degrees today. I’ve had 3 showers and contemplating a 4th. I’m bloated and uncomfortable from drinking so much water and I’ve only had 2 small wees. With all this in mind, my blog today is to stay hydrated and to remember that ice lollies are an amazing form of fluid.

Remember to look after each other and be kind to yourself - this heat is tough and self care is important, especially if you are caring for a vulnerable child or adult.

Take care x

Frozen fluid - enjoy!