Marjorie and Me

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It started so well......

On Tuesday morning I got up and ready really early so that I could film some Makaton signing videos before heading out to work. I actually made an effort with my make-up, tidied up the kitchen and cleared the table. This was a task in itself! Where does all this ‘stuff’ come from?

I then spent ages phaffing around with the tri-pod and getting my camera level so it didn’t look like I was standing on a hill. I practised the signs several times so I felt confident and then I pressed ‘record’…..

And that’s when I heard it…….the washing machine was on! For goodness sake, Kerry! Why oh why did I put the washing machine on and then try and film 30cms from it? The washing machine wouldn’t have finished before I left for work so that was that. The only thing for it was to have another coffee. After all, my mantra is: Coffee First, Then Work.

All ready to start……
