Marjorie and Me

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Hello February

I started February supporting C (a young child with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities - PMLD) to explore different textures. She made it very clear which ones she liked to touch and the ones she did not ended up on the floor. The cord one was definitely her favourite and she passed it between both her hands and held on it.

One of the other young people I support who also has PMLD and a degenerative condition, showed me old school video from when she was around 7 years of age. It was great to see her and see what she could do but it was tinged with sadness at what she had lost. However her family loved sharing stories with me and it gave me, as a carer, a better insight into their journey and why her siblings do the things they do. Having a sibling with such complex needs is an emotional roller coaster and I think the siblings struggle the hardest as they are children themselves and trying to learn, develop and understand in a unique set of circumstances.

In other news, the cat only managed to interrupt one zoom session this week. Thank goodness! I absolutely love supporting young people with learning disabilities and I’m so fortunate that the staff and family members supporting the individuals are absolutely amazing. The sessions focus on wellbeing and our feelings but I take a light hearted approach and try to make them relaxed and funny. This is as much for the staff and family members as it is the young people as this is such a trying time. Next week is my last week before half term and I’m going to take a few days off as I need to sort out my work space and give my house a ‘proper’ clean. You know the one where you pull everything out and clean everything rather than just the middle? Well, I need to do one of those.

Other than this, the week has plodded on with the usuals; me trying to get the cat to take his medication, me trying to not drink lots of cups of coffee each day and not chip my nail varnish (instant fail so had to be removed).

I’d like to finish with the wise words from the legend that is Captain Sir Tom Moore:

“For all those who are finding it difficult at the moment; the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away”. RIP

Lady C exploring lots of different textures…..with both hands!

Nail varnish at the ready - but it was only on my nails for 5 minutes!!