Marjorie and Me

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Not what was planned!

This week turned out to be not what was planned and I’m not even talking about COVID! I had made a plan where on a Monday evening I would bake something for my new 3-ingredient series and on a Tuesday I would film my weekly Makaton video. However, all the best laid plans and all that…..I ended up at the emergency on Monday evening and on the phone Tuesday evening. So my cooking remains in the cupboard but I’m hopeful I’ll be able to do this tomorrow……..

The cat is ok now, but I’ve got to find new and creative ways to get his medication in him. He’s 16 years old and knows all the tricks so this should be interesting.

I’ve spent the week preparing resources for my zoom sessions. However these will now be starting next week due to the country going into Lockdown 3. Next week I’ll be sitting in my kitchen doing my my zoom sessions but it won’t just be with a class in school, it will also be with the young people learning from home too. I’m excited, nervous and terrified in equal measure about this. This time last year I had never heard of zoom, and now I’m using it daily and getting better at screen sharing. What would I do without zoom now? It’s an essential part of my tool-kit.

I’ve been very aware that my previous videos have been quite poor quality so I’ve brought a small ring light to see if I can improve my videos. I have no training in this at all so it’s all guess work and constructive feedback from my best friend and my brother. Apparently having the camera level is a good place to start……if only I knew!! LOL. I’ve been practising filming this week. I never knew how often I touched my face…’s constant. If it’s. not my face, I’m pushing up my glasses or tucking my hair behind my ear. I never knew! It’s so annoying. My brother has suggested I set up a YouTube channel to put my videos onto. This will be a good accessible space to share the videos and hopefully I’ll be able to link them to my website (I need to speak to Josie about this). I’ve got big ideas but no skills to implement them!

So, if tomorrow goes to plan I’ll have a YouTube channel and be eating my 3 ingredient chocolate brownies by bedtime. Watch this space…….

COVID has hit me hard this week; the grandparent of one of the profoundly disabled and medically complex young people I support has died of the virus. My thoughts and love go out to the family at this devastating time.

Take care everyone and stay safe

Hello! It’s me and here’s to another good week……

Getting ready for zoom with my lip balm and hand cream always close by.

Busy packing up resources for the new term of zoom sessions.

All packed up and ready to deliver to school.

And now I have a light ring- no idea how to use it but I’m learning…..