Marjorie and Me

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Harvey and Me

Last night I settled down to watch ‘Harvey and Me’ on BBC1. I expected to enjoy the programme and I thought I could guess what I would see. However, how wrong was I!!

The hour long programme follows Harvey Price as he and his Mum, Katie Price, prepare for adulthood and life after special school. Having been a Transition Manager for a local authority this process is very close to my heart and one I remain passionate about. I am keen for families and their son/daughter to have access to high quality information early on in the process and I am totally dedicated to the voice and aspirations of the young person be heard and responded to. After all, this is their life and they have to live so doing things that are important to them is vital.

Harvey is an amazing young man with complex needs. But what was even more amazing was Katie Price and her other children. They all accepted Harvey for who he is and accepted that at times they had to adapt things or their behaviours to meet his needs. Harvey was being shown residential colleges which could be a post school option for him. It’s fair to say that there are many excellent provisions around the country that see the needs of young people with complex needs. Some people can have their education package created locally whereas as others have to move away. I was very lucky, the local authority I worked in had a Broker who would create bespoke packages of education for young people that could not attend a local college, even with additional support. A lot of families I supported did not want their children to stay away from home due to their religious and/or cultural beliefs so this lead the drive for local packages. However residential colleges definitely have their place in the pool of options available to young people and I have been fortunate enough to visit some amazing ones.

But back to Harvey…..

Anyone who knows me, knows I am as passionate and enthusiastic about supporting children and adults with severe learning disabilities, as I was when I was 18 (and I’m now 41). Watching Harvey and his friend at the train station chat about their favourite train line, repeat the announcements and appear genuinely happy, just feels my heart with warmth. These two young men are so pure and organic in their presentation and conduct. They say and do what they want and are not under the pressure of expected norms (well it seemed this way although I could be wrong). This made their conversations and reactions so pure and engaging.

What was very clear was whoever supports Harvey going forwards will be a lucky team as he’s a great young man with loads of personality and potential. And Katie will never stop worrying, advocating, protecting and ensuring doors don’t bang, for her son.

I wish Harvey, Katie and the children at home all the very best x