Marjorie and Me

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Paddling Pool 'fun'

As it’s been really hot recently, I decided to get a paddling pool as one of the children I support absolutely loves water. I am signed up to Amazon Prime so within 24hrs a fabulous paddling pool arrived…….but due to my enthusiasm in ordering the pool, I forgot to get a pump. With much determination I decided to blow the pool up with my own set of lungs. It took several hours as I had to keep stopping to recover and return to a normal colour again. But eventually it was inflated. Well, sort of anyway. It was going to have to do!

The child loved it. As he likes to keep returning to activities I let him fill up the paddling pool. He set up a succession of watering cans which water had to be poured from one into another before finally reaching the paddling pool. We then put a small amount of washing up liquid in and we washed the toys and then without warning he jumped in and sat down……still in his clothes. Fortunately his family are amazing and know what he’s like!! He had so much fun splashing and playing that it was definitely money well spent. He spent 2 hours playing with water……the whole time he was ‘supported’ by the cat. Their relationship is beautiful, even though they’re not 100% sure of each other. Animals are so understanding.

And finally, the emptying of the paddling pool……..did we pull the specially designed plug at the bottom? Absolutely not! We turned the pool over and I ended up soaking wet too, along with the towels. The cat moved ta speed so remained dry. LOL

Once the weather warms up again I’ll definitely have the paddling pool out again. But (and I know you know this) I never left the child alone with the water. I was with him the whole time and then the water was tipped away for safety.

Happy Paddling-Pooling!

Who would order a paddling pool and not the pump……..Ooooops

It started so well…….

The cat enjoys his role as life-guard and takes it all in his stride