Marjorie and Me

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I thought I'd do more baking.....

Now, don’t get me wrong……I’ve eaten plenty during the lockdown period (as my poor jeans can confirm) but I’ve not baked as much as I thought I would have. In fact I’ve hardly baked at all. The families I support are happy for me to bake with their children but other things seem to have taken priority…….but cake eating has continued in earnest……even if it has been brought.

I did flick through pinterest (something I do on an hourly basis) and come across some great 3 ingredient receipts. The best one is featured below but I did not have honey so used golden syrup instead. These oat bites were utterly delicious and were great for breakfast………….and snack, dessert, just because……you get the idea.

One of the young people I support turned 15 and she chose her own birthday cake. I had major cake envy as I would have loved this cake as a child……to be honest I’d have loved it now (if it was gluten free); a tiara and a cake. Perfect combo. The young person loved the cake, well actually the icing and filling but that’s the best bit anyway isn’t it.

One of the family’s I support made me a traditional dinner. This was amazing. The flavours were awesome and I didn’t want my dinner to end. Truly delicious home cooking. Yummy.

And then I did bake with one little girl. We made a cake for Father’s Day. We had some much fun exploring the ingredients and getting mucky that my all my baking skills left me and we ended up with cake pieces. I manage to form these into some sort of cake shape and we used buttercream to stick it all together. I’m sure it tasted lovely and the little girl loved the experience which is the main thing.

So, perhaps I need to improve my baking skills over the next few months……..but my cake eating skills are perfect so perhaps I need to not work so hard on this area…..LOL

Happy Baking!

Thank goodness for Pinterest!

Cake of my dreams…….cake and tiara, what a perfect combo

WOW Just wow

Are we ready for Bake Off?

Maybe not this year’s GBBO…..

If in doubt, just add butter-cream! I’m sure Mary Berry would agree……..?